Friday, May 8, 2015

When Things Fall

When things fall
like dreams shatter
breaking your heart
in silence and hunger

In simple ends
thru complicated measures
in happiness sublime
thru continuous torture

When things fall
like they never should be
you’re stuck in the muck
and nobody can see

The joint of your soul
comforting and emphatic
even it cannot free
cyclic craziness so erratic

When things fall
that you clutch for hope
in an unseen salvation
where do you grasp?
   how do you cope?

And things will fall
they always will, you’ll see
breaking your heart again
in chaotic symphony

--and the joint of your soul
still comforting and emphatic
will forever never free,
   even it cannot flee
cyclic craziness so erratic.

(15 October 2006, 11PM)

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