Friday, May 15, 2015

The Libel of Medusa

by Peter Warwick

And I knew such a man
(Whether in the body, or out of the body)
I cannot tell: God knoweth – Corinthians 12:3

It cannot be as some have claimed
That Medusa was ugly,
For men always turn away in disgust
From that which is repulsive.
She must have been extremely beautiful
To hold the gaze of men
And turn them, through wonder, to stone.
Her wild black hair, writhing like snakes,
Bewitched their sight, drawing forth their spirits,
And putting their souls outside their bodies.
The awesome power of the intellectual rage
That shot from her sloe-dark eyes held their gaze in awe,
And made their heads tremble from side to side.
The glistening nectar beneath her tongue
(Dew to her lovely lips with their promise of moist kisses)
And her simple yet honeyed speech
Rung in their ears like the music of sirens.
Now caressing, now bending their wills
To her determined purpose.
What wonder that men of great or feeble mind
Became statues to her wits and charms,
Mute witness and mirrors to her earthly glory!

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